Monday, September 24, 2012

Hari Ini, Saya....

1.   Sangat penat
2.   Sangat kelam-kabut
3.   Sangat banyak lupa benda itu dan ini
4.   Sangat tak organized
5.   Sangat malu sebab lambat datang sekolah dan semua admin ada di muka pintu pejabat waktu itu
6.   Sangat serabut dengan PBS
7.   Sangat rasa nak baling-baling evidens PBS English & PJK ke Sungai Kerian
8.   Sangat rasa nak tumbuk muka orang yang tengah mengumpat masa perhimpunan
9.   Sangat rasa nak telan budak-budak form 1 yang buat perangai dan tak dengar kata
10. Sangat banyak minum kopi
11. Sangat penat

Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk bertahan...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Busy, Busier, Busiest

This meal is for my busy time. Nasi lemak, just for an example.
Hello, what is sooo busy about being a teacher?
Simply to say, you'll never understand me if you're not part of this profession.
Busy here means, I still have workload to do - clerking work, marking papers, making question papers for quiz and test etc etc but I can do all of them at home where I can steal some time to cook!

So when I have chance to cook, I cook something that can be kept in the fridge as well.
So that I can reheat it whenever I need but have to time to cook proper meal.
This is for my busier time, when I come home from school at about 5 pm due to meetings, sports activities, invigilating, march training etc etc with super hungry stomach.
Ignore the menu, because I'm super simple in having meal when I'm alone.
But mak always said, don't do this frequently when you get married!
So I just secretly pray for a soulmate whose not too fussy in eating, hahaha!!!

And this is for my busiest time.
Taking this, not for the purpose of getting slimmer, but getting healthier.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In My Mind, I Want To Say...

do you care to mind your OWN  business?

Monday, September 10, 2012

What Do You Eat Today?

Setelah sekian lama tidak memasak secara proper. Here goes my nasi goreng udang.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Diari Hujung Minggu

Tersandar keletihan di petang Ahad.

Jumaat :

8 am -12.15 pm - Chemistry Form 5 Paper 2 Trial SBP 2012 Workshop

Balik rumah, tidur sekejap, solat dan bersiap-siap.
Menu makan tengahari : Biskut Hup Seng cicah milo panas

3.30 pm - 5.00 pm - Chemistry Form 5 Paper 1 Trial SBP 2012 Workshop

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm - Kuliah Fiqh Muslimat di Kg. Tersusun

6.30 pm - Maghrib - Minum Brown Nescafe sambil borak dan melepas penat di rumah Kak As

Balik rumah, mandi, solat dan bersiap-siap. Telefon mak.
Siapkan material untuk kelas malam.

9.00 pm - 11.00 pm - Chemistry Form 5 Paper 3 Trial SBP 2012 Workshop

Balik rumah, iron tudung untuk kerja esok. Siapkan material untuk ke sekolah esok.

12.30 am - Tidur

Sabtu :

6.00 am - Bangun, mandi, solat, bersiap-siap. Hari ini sekolah ganti. Breakfast milo panas sambil tonton siaran ulangan 30 Minit Ustaz Don.

7.25 am - Baru nak terhegeh-hegeh ke sekolah.

7.30 am - 8.30 am - BerPJ di padang dengan tingkatan satu. Warm up, bola baling dan cool down, dengan berbaju kurung dan court shoes. Siap pakai nametag.

9.00 am - Rehat di bilik persediaan makmal. Makan nasi putih kuah kari dan ikan pekasam, Kak As bawa dari rumah. Lauk kampung yang ringkas tetapi terasa amat sedap. Alhamdulillah. Dah lama rupanya tak makan nasi.

8.30 am - 12.30 pm - P&P seperti biasa, ada 3 waktu kelas Bahasa Inggeris. P&P Kimia Tingkatan 5 dibatalkan kerana mereka ada bengkel Prinsip Perakaunan & Biologi. Lega. Masa yang ada diguna untuk uruskan 150 fail individu PBS Bahasa Inggeris pelajar tingkatan satu bersama Sir Asbol di library, dan uruskan 150 lagi fail individu PBS Pendidikan Jasmani, dengan bantuan pelajar.

12.30 pm - 1.30 pm - Lengkapkan buku rekod mengajar minggu ini dan taip rancangan mengajar minggu depan sambil sembang ilmiah makan biskut di makmal sementara menanti waktu pulang.

Balik rumah, solat. Terlelap sebentar di hadapan TV.

Bangun, kemas rumah. Mop lantai. Lipat kain baju. Kemas dapur. Buang sampah. Sapu laman. Sapu longkang. Cuci toilet. Phewwww~

Menu makan malam : Secawan white coffee panas

Mandi, solat, bersiap-siap. Telefon mak lagi.

9.00 pm - 11.00 pm - Chemistry Mega Revision, ulangkaji topik-topik penting yang susah difahami

Balik rumah, online sekejap. Baca buku yang dibeli hampir dua bulan lepas. Terlelap di ruang tamu.


6.00 am - Bangun, mandi, solat. Kemas bilik tidur. Sidai baju. Breakfast nasi lemak + kopi panas.

9.30 am - Pergi kedai buku, pergi fotostat material, pergi beli bahan mentah di Pekan Semanggol.

10.30 am - Students datang rumah minta nak guna internet untuk isi borang matrikulasi. Masak. Sediakan material untuk kelas Bahasa Inggeris minggu ini.

1.00 pm - Short nap. Bangun, makan tengahari, mandi, solat, bersiap-siap. Angkat kain. Keluar ambil bahan fotostat dan singgah beli pisang goreng for the kids.

3.00 pm - 5.00 pm - Chemistry Mega Revision, focus on how to tackle questions from easy topics. Suara dah makin berapi-api lebih-lebih lagi bila pelajar asyik ulang kesalahan yang sama berkali-kali, dan lupa benda-benda yang mudah itu dan ini.

Saat menulis entry ini, mata sekali-sekala menjeling Oggy and The Cockroaches di TV. Malam ini ada lagi final revision class sebelum anak-anak menempuh kertas Kimia Percubaan SPM esok hari.

Allahu Allah. Permudahkanlah urusan mereka. Semoga semua penat lelah ini tidak sia-sia di sisi-Mu.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Time Flies...

Assalamualaikum everyone...

I just realized that it's been too long since the last time I wrote an entry here.
Sometimes there was a spark of idea to write something, but I'd been stuck with any other priorities outside which don't allow me to do so.
And sometimes, when I had a free, leisure weekend, I didn't even have a single word to be expressed and shared with everyone here.

Too much things happened in the last few months.

1. I'd finally moved to my new house, exactly on my 25th birthday last June - OK it's not totally mine, it's only a plain double-storey semi-D government's quarters, luckily it's still in school compound. After 8 months staying in the warden's house next to the girl's hostel, Allah gave me strength to make this decision. It's pretty good to move here, surrounded with greenery view which I like the most. Tranquility, that's the only thing I want to seek after having a tiring day at work. And since I moved here 3 months ago, ayah, mak and siblings visited me more frequently - they now have their own privacy here as I live alone in this house.

2. I'm now still in learning process of managing finance, household chores and workload.

3. I'm still unable to build passion in teaching English. English class is the time when I'll lost my potential energy. I hate teaching the kids to write essay the most. Oh goshhhh everything is negative-minded, please forgive me as I couldn't bear it anymore.

4. I had lost my cooking skill, honestly. Even cooking sardines in can is totally tasteless. Shhh...

5. I eat vegetables more now as my health concern is getting rise.

6. My brother Mudd has finally finished his degree and now waiting for his congregation day. My sister Abby is now in matriculation doing accounting. Syahirah is now thousand miles away from home, currently doing physics in Iowa, and I miss her so badly as now I have nobody to share my secrets to.

7. I'm now can slowly accept the the fate that, me and him, aren't meant to be together. 5 years of relationship had gone and what I have now are only memories. I planned, he planned, we planned but Allah's plan is surely the best for us, for me, for him too. I pray Allah may he find somebody else much better than me.

8. I think I am too old now, erghh.

InsyaAllah will try to update regularly, after this.