Thursday, September 20, 2012

Busy, Busier, Busiest

This meal is for my busy time. Nasi lemak, just for an example.
Hello, what is sooo busy about being a teacher?
Simply to say, you'll never understand me if you're not part of this profession.
Busy here means, I still have workload to do - clerking work, marking papers, making question papers for quiz and test etc etc but I can do all of them at home where I can steal some time to cook!

So when I have chance to cook, I cook something that can be kept in the fridge as well.
So that I can reheat it whenever I need but have to time to cook proper meal.
This is for my busier time, when I come home from school at about 5 pm due to meetings, sports activities, invigilating, march training etc etc with super hungry stomach.
Ignore the menu, because I'm super simple in having meal when I'm alone.
But mak always said, don't do this frequently when you get married!
So I just secretly pray for a soulmate whose not too fussy in eating, hahaha!!!

And this is for my busiest time.
Taking this, not for the purpose of getting slimmer, but getting healthier.

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